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Tuesday, June 20, 2006


With over 2 million people logging on to play from around the world, Knight Online represents one of the biggest MMO communities that are around. Some of the most exciting features of Knight Online are the most involving, persistent and large-scale wars between players, and its own built in party system. Upon registering and creating an account, each player must choose between becoming a Human or an Orc, and within each nation, people can choose to build up their character as a barbarian, warrior, priest, or mage.

Knight Online can be enjoyed two different ways:1. Free2Play™: All players have absolutely FREE access to all the current features of the game as well as future updates and expansion packages with no time limit. 2. Pay2Play™: For die-hard fans who wish to support Knight Online financially and are interested in enhanced game experience (e.g., higher hit rates, increased player abilities, access to special weapons, and many other benefits), Download page


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