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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cabal Online Open Beta Started and Client

A Korean RPG produced by EST Corp announced that the open beta test for the English version of Cabal has been launched - the game client is now locally mirrored. The game features more than 300 dungeons, lots of quests, in-game markets and in-game lottery. Visit the official website for details.

Description: CABAL's numerous intriguing quests and exhilarating missions weave together to form intricate plots that absorb players into the story where they become the heroes. Intuitive and user friendly, CABAL removes entry barriers for first-time gamers and late-starters. Time limited dungeons, blazing action scenes, perplexing puzzles and traps keep players enthralled in the story and driven to achieve more. The ESTsoft gaming graphics engine runs happily on old PCs and graphic cards, while still maintaining high frame rates with ornate characters and villains.

See Cabal Game Trailer Below!



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